What To Expect

Leading People to become fully devoted followers of Christ

At Eagle Pointe Church, we are a gathering who desire to be in the presence of God. It is simply us, each other, and His Word. We are intentional in fostering a community of faith who are fully and joyfully dependent on the reverent application of God’s word and not the worldly presentation of it.

A community who accepts the life-giving truth of the Gospel and lives in that truth without apology or fear.

A community that delights in serving God, serving one another, and serving anyone in need of His Saving Grace.

A community that will encourage each other to stay the faithful course and lovingly correct one another should we step off the correct path.

In our gathering, we simply ask everyone to come as they are. For our guests, we ask for you to please come as you are. If Christ has yet to be Lord of your life, we invite you come with an open spirit and mind so that God’s Spirit can fill you with a desire to further seek His Son, feel the joy that comes in knowing His Son, and celebrate the peace that comes from His complete work on the cross for your past, present, and future sins.

We invite you to be wrapped and be fulfilled in the righteousness of Jesus.

At Eagle Pointe Church, our goal is to be a family (of all ages and backgrounds) who come together to worship, learn, and grow in our faith and facilitate real, thriving relationships with God, our church family, and with other people.